Caring For Mounted Plants & Kokedama
We've carefully selected easy-growing epiphytes (plants which grow in or on trees) that allow you to hit the ground running!
Light: With any plant, adequate light is essential. Each of our mounted plants require bright-to-medium light, with direct sun limited to morning hours or dappled through the day.
Water: This part is easy, but requires a little getting used to. When the moss protecting the root system is totally dry to the touch, but the medium behind it remains soft & pliable when pressed gently, it's time to gently water. Because mounted plants & kokedama retain moisture at the core of their medium, you do not need to soak or submerge the plant. We find it easiest to take them to the sink & water there, with a few gentle passes from the faucet. Allow to drip dry (we believe this is the real reason dish racks were invented).
Pro tips: If the moss protecting the root system is dry to the touch, but hard when pressed gently, you've waited a bit too long to water: Give your plant a more thorough watering, until saturated, & remember to check in a little earlier next time.
For mounted 'staghorn fern': If the longest leaves are browning at the base, the plant is likely getting too much water; if the longest leaves are browning at the edges, the plant is likely getting too little water.